Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Zucchini Dip

Healthy snacks don't have to be boring and tasteless. Instead of the typical carrots and hummus, try making a variation of dips with fresh veggies. I made a quick Zucchini Dip which tastes great with veggies like carrots and celery, or even multigrain chips. With just a few simple ingredients, you can have this fresh dip in under 5 minutes!


Take one zucchini and chop it up into small pieces. Place in a blender or a food processor- may have to be done in batches. Add in your fresh squeezed lemon juice, minced garlic, and sesame seeds. Blend one more time with cayenne pepper and season to taste with salt. Now just dip and enjoy!


1 Medium Zucchini, Chopped
1 Tsp Sesame Seeds
Juice from 1 Lemon Wedge
1/2 Garlic Clove, Minced
1/4 Tsp Cayenne Pepper
Season to taste with salt

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