Monday, September 1, 2014

Crazy for Beets Salad

Beetroot is a great vegetable to incorporate into any diet. It is rich in Vitamin C and fiber and has anti-cancer benefits. Beet greens are just as important and healthy as the roots, providing you with Vitamin A and iron. Whenever possible, save the beet greens from fresh beets and use them however you can. Make this quick and easy salad and feel great about yourself all day!


Start by roasting your beets at 425 degrees for about an hour, or just use canned beets. Spray a pan with Pam and sautee some garlic with your beet greens. Add in your cucumber, hot sauce, sesame seeds, and fresh basil. Mix together, spoon onto a plate, and top with sliced beets and olive oil. Season with salt and pepper and enjoy!


Makes 1 Serving

1 Small Beet, Roasted and Thinly Sliced (Or 1/2 Cup Canned Beets)
1 Cup Beet Greens
1 Garlic Clove, Minced
5 Cucumber Slices, Quartered
1/4 Tsp Sesame Seeds
2 Basil Leaves, Chopped
3 Dashes of Hot Sauce (I used Chochula)
1/4 Tsp Olive Oil
Salt and Pepper to Taste

*Roast beets at 425 for 45-60 minutes

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